Vitamins against fatigue that really work

Metis Energy 06 is an effective supplement based on Ginseng and Magnesium. It reduces fatigue and helps increase your energy levels for a long time.

Why Metis Energy 06

Noticeably helps against fatigue

Metis Energy 06 contains a higher dose of stronger and better absorbable ingredients than many other brands. It helps noticeably against fatigue and helps to increase your energy level for a long time.

World-class Ginseng & Magnesium

Our Korean and American Ginseng are powerful adaptogens that activate your natural energy. Magnesium also helps reduce fatigue by supporting your nervous system.

30 years of experience in a capsule

Pharmacist Dirk originally developed the Metis formulas for his own Family. Metis Energy 06 is the original formula he used to support his family.

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Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06

Metis Energy 06

€29,95 Sale Save

Ingredients: Panax Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, Magnesium Bisglycinate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6

Contents: 1 Reusable cup with 40 capsules.

Use: Take 1 to 2 capsules with water in the morning or with breakfast.

Vegan — Not addictive — No preservatives, flavors or fragrances — Natural ingredients

Variant Eco-refill

“I used to be very tired after lunch, and sometimes I had to take a nap in the middle of my work day. Metis Energy really helped me keep my energy levels stable throughout the day.”

—Kent F.

Exclusive Metis formula

Vegan & Natural

Reusable packaging

Without caffeine or sugar

Independently verified

Without flavorings or fragrances

Well-known brand

Best Product of the Year 2022–2023

Metis Personalized & Metis Sleep 08 have both been voted the best product of the year within the categories of Nutritional Supplements and Self-care Medication.

What makes Metis Energy 06 better

More in a capsule — we take that literally. Metis Energy 06 contains a higher dose ; only high-quality & powerful ingredients ; and is, due to its natural nature , easier to absorb than many other brands.

Vergelijking Metis Energy 06 tov andere vergelijkbare producten. Metis Energy bevat doorgaans een hogere dosis aan sterkere en beter op te nemen ingrediënten.

Metis Energy 06 US most comparable competitor

Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06
Metis Energy 06

Metis Energy 06

€29,95 Sale Save

Ingredients: Panax Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, Magnesium Bisglycinate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6

Contents: 1 Reusable cup with 40 capsules.

Use: Take 1 to 2 capsules with water in the morning or with breakfast.

Vegan — Not addictive — No preservatives, flavors or fragrances — Natural ingredients

Variant Eco-refill