"My body just couldn't handle it anymore"

"Weeks without sleep and constantly tired... my body just couldn't handle it anymore." These words from Erik describe exactly the exhaustion he felt because of his insomnia. For many, this is a familiar story: you lie awake for nights, exhausted but unable to fall asleep. This is the story of Erik and his long road to a better night's sleep, full of challenges and ultimately peace.

A years-long struggle

Erik struggled with sleep problems for years. "I've had sleep problems in the past, really bad. There were times when I couldn't sleep for weeks," he says. The constant fatigue took a heavy toll on his body. He eventually suffered a brain hemorrhage and a TIA. "It was like my body was saying, 'Enough is enough, now you're going to act normal again.'"

This was the moment Erik realized he had to change something in his life. "It took me years to get back to a normal sleep pattern," he explains. But that wasn't the end of his quest for a better night's sleep.

The Road to Recovery

During his recovery, Erik discovered that there were several factors that were negatively affecting his sleep , including stress and sleep apnea. “It turns out I was way too busy at work, and I also had sleep apnea,” he says. He had to make several adjustments in his life, including using a brace for his sleep apnea and changing his sleep patterns.

" I've also changed my eating habits, and that helps a lot ," he says. "If you eat and live healthier, you sleep better." Despite these improvements, Erik continued to look for ways to further improve his sleep quality.

A step into the unknown

Erik had always been reluctant to use sleep medication. "I never wanted to take sleep medication because it's such an addictive substance," he says. He preferred to find a healthier way to support his sleep. So, after much hesitation, he decided to give natural supplements a try.

"In the meantime, I have also decided to take supplementary nutrition to make my life even better, in the form of various products from you," says Erik. He started with a sleep and anti-stress supplement and quickly noticed positive effects.

A calmer mind and deeper sleep

Erik started taking his supplements every night and noticed an improvement almost immediately. " I go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning ," he says. "And I keep track of it with a watch." This regular routine, combined with the supplements, brought him more rest and structure in his sleep.

He says he felt less stressed and his sleep pattern started to improve. "If I keep to my eating pattern, it works really well," says Erik. "I sleep much better now, so that makes a huge difference."

A deeper impact on his life

The improved sleep has not only positively affected his night's rest, but also his daily life. "I am a lot happier. I sleep better," he shares enthusiastically. This change in his sleep pattern made him feel stronger not only physically, but also mentally.

A message of hope

Erik wants to share his story to inspire others who are in a similar situation. "You can do two things," he says. "You can hide, or you can work on yourself." By making small changes to his lifestyle and embracing his supplement routine, Erik finally found the peace he was looking for.

His message is simple: “Stay true to yourself, keep looking for what works for you.” For Erik, this meant finding a balance between a healthy lifestyle and natural support.

Pharmacist Dirk
Founder Metis Supplements

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Waarom Metis

Krachtige supplementen die doen wat ze Beloven

Metis ondersteunt je bij het aanpakken van stress, slaap- en energieklachten met zorgvuldig samengestelde supplementen. Ontwikkeld door Apotheker Dirk in samenwerking met KU Leuven-experts, bundelen we wetenschappelijke kennis en persoonlijke ervaring om effectieve formules te garanderen. Onze producten bevatten hooggedoseerde, natuurlijke ingrediënten die beter opneembaar zijn voor een voelbaar en duurzaam effect.

In tegenstelling tot veel andere merken, kiest Metis voor therapeutische formules die écht werken, zonder minimale doseringen. We focussen op de oorzaken van je klachten, zoals stress die je slaap en energie verstoort, en bieden zo een langdurige verbetering van je welzijn. Metis is beschikbaar bij meer dan 600 apotheken in België en Nederland.

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