Hair and nails are often the pride of our body, it affects our appearance and therefore also our self-confidence. An often underestimated factor that has a direct impact on our hair and nails is stress. But how does that work exactly and how to solve hair loss due to stress?
Does stress affect your hair loss?
Researchers at Harvard University conducted an interesting study on mice that showed a clear link between hair and stress. You're probably wondering what this has to do with human hair?
Well, the findings from the study can also be extrapolated to humans. What did it turn out to be? In addition to the known effects on our mental and physical health, it is confirmed that stress also has a significant impact on the condition of our hair . The researchers from Harvard University have demonstrated a link between chronic stress and hair loss in mice. This provides important insights into how stress causes hair loss in humans.
The study showed that the stress hormone damages the stem cells in hair follicles , resulting in delayed hair growth and a prolonged resting phase. Stress therefore not only causes mental and emotional symptoms, but unfortunately also physical consequences such as hair loss.

The mouse study
Researchers exposed mice to mild stress , which led to increased cortisol levels and reduced hair growth. They restored normal hair cycling by giving the mice an ingredient that activates the stem cells of the hair follicles.
Does stress also affect your nails?
Stress and other internal factors can affect both our hair and nail health.
Healthy nails require vitamins and minerals such as protein, biotin, silica, magnesium, zinc and iron. Unfortunately, stress makes it harder for our bodies to absorb nutrients. Stress results in nail ridges, pits and flaking which weaken the nail .
There is also a chance that you have reverted to a nervous tic such as nail biting or rubbing, which causes even more damage to the nail beds. Fortunately, there are plenty of solutions to combat any damage to your nails.
But how can you solve hair loss due to stress?

While stress can be unavoidable, there are several ways to reduce its impact on our hair and nails . Practicing stress-relieving activities like meditation, yoga, and exercise can help improve overall health and reduce stress-related hair loss and nail abnormalities.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is of course important for healthy hair and nails. Think of a diet that is rich in nutrients that are essential for the health of hair and nails, such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. Of course, this is easier said than done. Fortunately, there are also specific products that focus on stress and nails such as the Metis Hair & Nails 09 . This contains, among other things, the olive leaf extract, which is one of the strongest antioxidants. This protects the body against stress and hair loss.
In short, while stress is unavoidable in modern life, conscious choices and healthy habits can help minimize its impact on our hair and nails.
Pharmacist Dirk
Founder Metis Supplements